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Florian Schattenmann is a candiate for ACS President Elect.

Excerpt from Florian's April LinkedIn post:

"I am so excited to be a candidate for President-Elect 2024 of the American Chemical Society, which I have been a member of since I was a grad student at MIT in the 90s.

If elected, here are three areas I am especially passionate about focusing on within ACS:

1. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect: it’s critical for the future of the chemical enterprise, but it’s also very personal to me!

2. Strengthening the ecosystem between academia, government and industry – especially as the private sector has changed massively in the last 20 years.

3. Sustainability – the defining issue of our times: chemistry is the linchpin for most sustainable technologies. We need to tell a more effective story how chemistry is the solution!

I’m so looking forward to bringing my experience in leadership and governance, but most importantly my energy, enthusiasm and passion to the table! "



On April 1, the American Chemical Society announced Florian Schattenmann is one of two candidates for 2024 president-elect, with an election to be held in late 2023. The winner will serve a 3-year term on the board as a member of the presidential succession.

Read more in C&E News.